Quality, safety, environment, CSR
Our quality management system is approved by BSI to ISO 9001: 2008. Download our approval certificate here.
We source materials only from quality assured sources, and we offer full batch traceability to cast where required.
We can supply test reports to BS EN 10204 2.2 and inspection certificates to BS EN 10204 3.1 as required. Please let us know your requirements before you place your order.
Kirkby Steel Tubes Ltd strives to engage all our employees in the process of improving customer satisfaction. We manage our business as a system, made up of core processes, which start with customer requirements and end with those requirements being satisfied, and support processes, which are necessary to make the core processes work.
- We will work on improving the quality performance of the company by improving the effectiveness of its constituent processes.
- We will measure the capability of our core processes to deliver efficiently what matters to customers.
- We will put performance measures in the hands of those actually doing the work, and will integrate decision-making, based on the data, into the work.
- We will give those doing the work control over their work, and provide a working environment in which every employee feels safe, valued, competent, well-equipped and able to contribute to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of our processes in delivering what matters to customers.
- We will train our managers that their job is to remove the obstacles that prevent people from doing their jobs properly, free them from needless bureaucracy, and recognise that pride in a job well done is the most self-sustaining, and enduring motivation that we can give to our people.
- We will regard improved process capability as the only objective, and avoid arbitrarily chosen, demotivating, performance targets, which divert effort away from our true goal, total customer satisfaction.
Kirkby Steel Tubes is committed to in minimising the impact of our activities on the environment.
- We will meet or exceed the highest environmental standards and relevant legislation in all areas of our operations.
- We will continually review our business processes to identify opportunities to minimise our impacts.
- We will minimise waste through careful and efficient use of materials and energy.
- We will purchase sustainable products wherever feasible.
- We will minimise the harmful emissions from our delivery fleet and other vehicles
- We will take into account environmental criteria when making strategic decisions.
Kirkby Steel Tubes is committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for all our employees, and to ensuring that no one is injured or suffers ill health as a result of our activities.
- We will provide the necessary organisation, equipment, training and information to fulfil our commitment.
- We will engage all our people in the process of continually improving our OH&S management systems and our OH&S performance.
- We will comply with The Health and Safety at Work Act, the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations, all applicable EU Directives, and all our other statutory obligations.
- We will maintain an OH&S management system that complies with OHSAS 18001.
- We will comply with any safety requirements imposed by our customers, and give them the confidence that we are a supplier who will protect the safety of their employees, sub-contractors, and other parties.
- Kirkby Steel Tubes has a long-standing reputation for ethical and responsible business practice.
- We have very low levels of staff turnover and high levels of customer retention, which we believe are due to our emphasis on building honest and mutually-beneficial long-term relationships.
- We are proud to provide secure, safe and rewarding employment for our people. We set out the standards of ethical behaviour we expect from our employees very clearly, and we ensure that our values are well communicated and understood.
- We try to be a good neighbour, and we support the voluntary work that our employees do in their communities.
- We have a long-standing association with www.heartcare.org.uk, a charity that has helped thousands of people to recover from cardiac illness, which was co-founded by our Chairman, Eric Watts, and is now run by our HR Director, Suzanne Watts.